Holistic Singing / Voice Coaching
Bring Your Song is designed to express your full potential through singing, sounding and voicing. One-to-one coaching sessions welcome anyone who is interested in searching for exploration. There is no previous experience required at all.
In their own words:
‘’The feeling which I have when I’m singing is incredible. There is no negative energy in me; it’s just all great.’’
- Ian, Project Manager
“Singing with Michaela has been a wonderful experience – by the end
of it I was actually singing in front of her like I sing when I’m on my own at
home and able to create and appreciate sounds I never realised even existed
before! I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys singing or just wants to be able to express themselves better in public. Michaela is a patient and inspiring teacher.”
- Beccy, Designer
For a blog post describing a client's experience click here
Holistic Singing / Voice Coaching enables to sing and speak effectively while developing greater self-awareness, creativity, technical expertise and confidence. When we are holistically trained, not only do we strengthen the voice and learn specific techniques, we also bring the mind, body, spirit and emotions in one place.
Would you like to gain confidence in using your voice?
Sessions are held in a studio in Covent Garden.