Holistic Singing / Voice Coaching
Each lesson is tailor-made to your individual needs and focused on understanding your unique ways of learning and aspirations. The method is called HOLISTIC VOICE/SINGING COACHING and works with breath, voice, body and sensation of sound. I use special types of exercise which everyone can master, with vocal techniques based on a holistic approach. These exercises support you in finding new ways of expressing yourself fully through voicework.
This method is truly FOR ANYONE and includes:
• Breathing techniques
• Voice projection and vocal techniques
• Musician’s Yoga
• Finding your own sound
• Ways of being fully present
•Exploring the meaning of lyrics, expressing feelings through the song
• Building confidence and greater expression.
There is no previous experience required all.
"Bring Your Song has been created to unlock and share the natural power of human voice. Our voice is the first instrument that we can use to hum, sing, shout or scream out our pain or happiness. It allows us to move around invisible and hidden places, large and small, within ourselves, and rearrange our inner world so that we can express and understand what we feel when talking is difficult.
Sounding vitally expresses our personality and the basic emotions. When the voice is blocked, muffled or held back, life gets blocked too. Holistic Singing / Voice Coaching releases emotions that can turn into tensions and physical complaints if not expressed. It gives you the opportunity to restore the natural flow of your life through the power and beauty of your voice in a relaxed and supportive environment. Come!’’